Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The day that changed my life.

22 April 2003.

That’s the day that my life changed.

That day I started working @ Ridley-Bikes!

If at previous jobs people on Mondays asked me what I did in the past weekend and I told them stories about climbing Le Mur de Huy on 39x25, they looked at me as if I came from Mars and said that I was a complete fool. Ok maybe I am a fool….but since that April day in 2003 I discovered that there are other fools who share the same passion for bike racing as I have. And furthermore, they are my colleagues!

These guys have the same crazy passion as I have and some of them are chasing identically the same bike objectives as me and they do know that ‘Galibier’ is not a kind of beer but one of the most beautiful climbs there are.

Now I can tell you, if you have a shared the feeling ; on a Saturday, imagine; climbing side to side a big ‘col’ with the burning sun in your face, suffering rain showers in the descent of the col, cramps from your toes to your ears,... This creates a special connection between people. One look at each other is enough to understand the experience you both are feeling ! And then on Monday when the same colleague has some ‘issues’ in their job, you are the first one to help them and vice versa.

Viva La Bicicletta!
