Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to our new Ridley Bikes blog section.

As an introduction blog I would like to talk a bit about the way we try to market Ridley as a brand.

If you have such a great product, with so many positive aspects it’s very difficult to translate all these assets into advertisements and other promotional tools. Marketing a product with one competitive advantage is more easy as a product which has many.Ridley stands for: Belgian heritage, developed in collaboration with some of the best teams in the world, technically advanced with a focus on aerodynamic development, superb graphical designs that are hand painted, … .

Therefore when we market our product, we try to give a message which makes people wonder. There are too many things to say and we want people to take time and discover our product.

As a marketer it’s a huge challenge to work for such a fantastic brand. The best way to describe the feeling of working here is like racing a pro tour stage every day and getting huge satisfaction when you win or if one of your bikes do.

I know many dream of the Belgian classics, with our bad weather and cobble roads, but personally I am very happy we had some great weather over the last week, so I could ride my Ridley with my sunglasses on and feel like a pro on a fantastic bike, a feeling I can never describe in an advertisement.

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